Saturday, July 28

Time to Grow!

It's National Tree Day

How proud we are to be in an industry that supports the environment. Every tree, plant and shrub  that is planted helps clean the air, create habitats for wildlife, and soften and shade our environment.

Today is Planet Arks National Tree Day. It's a great reminder to plant a tree or two in your back yard. Winter is an ideal time to plant trees especially deciduous trees like pyrus, elms & prunus. These trees are available now in the garden centre. One of the main benefits of a deciduous tree is that they loose there leaves in winter allowing the sun into your house or entertainment area. During the warmer months they re-grow their leaves to shade your house making them an economical investment.

There are so many native trees available too and it doesn't have to be a gum tree there are some speccy native trees these days with vibrant purple foliage such as agonis 'After Dark' or weeping lime green foliage Acacia "Lime Light". What ever tree you choose to plant make sure care is taken when planting it. Soil preparation and adequate water is important to help establish your tree.

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